Take an Alpaca for a walk 

This is a great experience to get up close and personal with alpacas.  It is an hour long session, where you are taught how to handle alpacas, learn to understand them and then take them for a walk on private land to see the rest of the herd.  There will also be photo opportunities.

Adults and children over 14 years of age can walk an animal.   However, younger children must be accompanied by an adult.  People accompanying a walker will be charged £10 + VAT.

Walk 1 person £25 + VAT

Walk 2 people £45 + VAT

Walk 3 people £65 + VAT

Walk 4 people £80 + VAT

Walks are available most days from May through to September, weather permitting, by emailing julia@csalpacas.co.uk to pre-book.
